Revealing One SEO Strategy for 2016

In the 2016, I see the hottest market is SEO and internet marketing. Web development and other fields are going down because of powerful automated tools and CMS’s like WordPress and PHP Frameworks. So I decided to share my one strategy of SEO with you which I am already using from the start of this year.

The strategy is simple but works well to me. Have a look on it.

Follow the Latest Ongoing Trends:

It is one of the best strategies to follow because it is easy to rank for trends and you get a huge number of visitors. Trends are important and users take interest on it. Your site will get trust flow and better ranking with huge revenue. So what you need more? Use trendy topics for your site and boom!

How to follow Trends:

First of all you need to find which trend is going on and decide which one is best to hit. To find trends you can search on Google trends, find latest hashing tags trends on twitter. Join Facebook groups to see what people are talking about and all that. After selecting your final topic start research on it and write some interesting on it.

You should write about what people are looking for because they take interest if you give them exactly what they want. So don’t put anything wrong. Just follow your research and keep sharing your post on all the communities and groups which are relevant. Don’t waste your time to post a health article on technology category. It will ruin your efforts and does not make any sense. We are looking for real traffic not for spam or artificial users.

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Real Examples of Some Trends / Case Studies:

Now I am going to share some topics with you, they all are upcoming trends and they will open your mind and force you to take action immediately. So are you ready to take action? Time is too short!

  1. Valentine Day is a latest upcoming trend where many bloggers and marketers already working but don’t think more, you can also jump in the race and start a blog post about this lovely trend which is best for February 2015.
  2. ICC World Cup 2015 is also a mega event in the international level so you may follow it and make some interesting posts for this event. Write original helpful content for it and get the higher return of your investments and efforts.

One more benefit of latest trend is, they increase the communication rate of your site. Yes, It will increase the comments and all will be genuine. I tested many times, hot topics increases your site discussion which give you a free text content and make your site hero from zero 🙂

So I hope this strategy will be proven very good for you and you will also get a huge money as I am getting by applying it. Have a safe and great year.


    • Haris Mughal


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